Monday, August 15, 2005

Minneapolis woman was not even drunk

One semi-circular table, two empty wine glasses, two small saucers, two sets of silverware and one tea light candle in a glass holder were all unceremoniously tipped over a small ledge and shattered on the floor of Louis XIII at 1:03 pm on Saturday, August 13th. Witnesses report the diner and her companion escaped without injury and blamed her new shoes and abnormally large feet for the table mishap. A waiter and bartender rushed over to the site, now boasting lots of broken glass and two beat-red customers, in order to reseat the offender at another table with an identical potential for disaster. No further entertainment was provided after the woman's sister arrived and the trio was served lunch without incident. Further coverage of the incident here.

This is certainly the most embarassing that has happened to me this whole year. What about you? Post your story in the comments.

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