Thursday, January 19, 2017

"Jesus devoted his life to speaking, helping, supporting, defending, empowering, healing, freeing,..."

Jesus devoted his life to speaking, helping, supporting, defending, empowering, healing, freeing, and loving everyone, especially saving those who were in desperate need from the hands of oppressors, rulers, officials, mobs, and those who intended to harm, kill, and destroy — because Jesus was a protester.

Throughout his life Jesus protested and brought awareness about gender inequality, religious hypocrisy, political corruption, racism, hate, segregation, empowerment, and social injustice. Christ humbly sacrificed and served to advocate for the outcasts, protect the poor, shelter the homeless, uplift the exploited, show hospitality to stranger, energize the weary, and love humanity.

Jesus was mocked, ridiculed, abused, intimidated, and arrested because he dared to become a protester. Eventually, he was arrested and put on trial, and then he was publicly humiliated, mocked, and severely tortured.

- Stephen Mattson -“Jesus Was a Protestor” 
(via hymnsofheresy)

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